“Empowering the World, One Smile at a Time”
Hospital social events
We organize four different social events through out the academic year. We put up a Facebook event around 2 weeks before the actual event, in order to promote and recruit volunteers. Once we have a list of volunteers, we usually send an e-mail one day prior to the event to give out all directions and specifications. Volunteers are welcomed to contribute by bringing gifts, it could be cookies or holiday cards, for example. Once the volunteers arrive to the hospital/facility, we hold an orientation session to explain how the event will go. Volunteers are normally divided into groups of 4-5 with a leader. Each group is assigned a number of patients to visit. Once the group has finished visiting all assigned patients, volunteers can either leave or join other groups who have not yet completed their visit.
Volunteers for a Smile tries really hard to make these events enjoyable, heartwarming and memorable for both patients and volunteers. The social events are truly an opportunity to make a patient feel special during celebrations time and for the volunteer, a chance to meet new people and open up to the community.
We encourage our volunteers to take fun pictures with their group and the patients during their visit.
Volunteers should be able to communicate in either french or english. The group leaders, however, are usually bilingual.
Volunteers for a Smile has put in place a reward program for volunteers who consistenly help out. Once a volunteer has completed 50, 100, 200+ hours, they have the right to request a volunteer certificate and/or a letter of recommendation. If you are interested in the reward program, make sure to ask one of our executivtes during the event for more information!