“Empowering the World, One Smile at a Time”
Volunteers for a Smile (V4S) currently runs 3 different programs: hopsital social events, international medical missions and underserved youth mentorship.
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Hospital Social Events
The social aspect, the athmophere surrounding a patient is very important for recovery. Volunteers for a Smile works hard to enhance the social athmoshpere for the patients especially during celebration times. We believe it is important for the patients to not feel left out during those times.
We organize events during Halloween, New Year, Valentines' Day and Easter. We go to the hospital with many volunteers, bring gifts and try to cheer as many patients as possible.
We also collaborate with the hospital staff, their collaboration help our events go smoothly and leaves everyone smiling :)
Please visit the Hospital Events page for more information.
Mentorship Program
The mentorship program was put in place in order to provide support to kids and teenagers coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. We work with partner schools in the Montréal area to match mentees with university students, who act as mentors.
Please visit the Mentorship Program page for more information.
Medical Missions Program
Every year Volunteers for a Smile recruits a group of students who are interested in health careers and sends them on a medical mission to a developping country. This program is
co-organized with international organizations who work in the global health sector in order to facilitate the program.
The goal of the program is to help increase access to health care and treatment in poor areas around the world. Furthermore, educate students about different global health issues.
Please visit the Medical Missions page for more information.
In The
Activities' Night 2015
Come check our info booth at McGill's Activities'Night this September 8,9
August 25, 2015
Coffee House 2015
Join us for a night of entertainment and food as we celebrate the work of our beautiful hearted volunteers
April 09, 2015
Let us bring the easter joy and yummy chocolate eggs to patients
April 04, 2015